New Student Intake Form for Prospective K-12 Students

You can use these forms as a guide for designing your own forms and the kinds of questions you can ask. You can also use these forms directly by sending them to your parents and asking them to fill them out. Your membership license also allows you to edit these and make them your own (this kind of commercial license to edit and make your own does not apply to Kid-Inspired branded resources).

[wpfd_single_file id=”1omIeHsUy9PJM6KFOO5c-r3EAke6ZI3EO” catid=”151″ name=”New Student Form (English)”]
[wpfd_single_file id=”1HJ-HDkDFpzLYcxgK4puKOZsv2-TUXD2i” catid=”151″ name=”New Student Form (English)”]

[wpfd_single_file id=”1qBXE-Fm3I0_f0qjCi5wJRxUaQC3Ep9Ro” catid=”151″ name=”New Student Form (Chinese Traditional)”]
[wpfd_single_file id=”1H4cRf98eFRCOgOEqBNeM7yLpHbcYMqnY” catid=”151″ name=”New Student Form (Chinese Traditional)”]